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For qhdtv reseller-The panel has been upgraded and new features have been added


New Panel URL:

1. The panel uses the points to create codes in the future. un-active codes in your panel have been converted into points. The resellers can better to manage the codes. points can create 12 months, 6 months and 3 months codes.

12 months = 1 points, 6 months = 0.6 points, 3 month = 0.4 points (12 months code is more cost-effective)


2. Add ticket function. You can directly report your feedback and requirements of the server to the technical team through tickets, No need for salesperson to report, such as some cahnnels do not work, add popular channels, some channels freezing , etc. (The technical team has a heavy task and will take some time to process your request, please be patient).

Please note that if you need to buy new codes or which code not working please contact your sales manager for one-on-one assistance


3. Reset country button. If the customer changes the country to use his code, please click the reset country button in the panel, then the code can work in another country ip


4. Reset device button. Each code can be logged in at most 2 devices (in different time), if more than the 2 devices, you need to click the reset device button in the panel, then the code can log in on other devices.


5. Renew code button. Some customers like to keep old code when he renews his subscription. click the renew button, you can choose renew for 12 months, 6 months or 3 months. code will be extended from the original expiration time. 

Please note that if you spend the points incorrectly, the points cannot be recovered or add new points for free.


6. Edit the renewal information of the code. Each code will have a renewal reminder within 30 days before it expires. You can edit the renewal reminder and add your contact information. Please contact your Sales Manager to get the operation steps. 

Please Note that if more than 180 days no buy codes for your panel, the renewal information will be restored to the public renewal information

Today Date:2025-03-31 22:28:45